Monday, May 13, 2013

Kurt Warner thanks Jesus

Does anyone have an issue with this athlete thanking the Lord Jesus Christ?
For those of you who say "no problem," what if he thanked someone else? Take a look at the next picture by clicking "Read more", and let's say an athlete said what the doctored caption suggests. Would you have a problem with this? Reflect on your answers.


  1. 900891014: I am a Christian so no, I do not have a no problem with this. If he were to thank someone else or if he were to say, “Praise be to Allah,” I would not have a problem with it. Religion is something that you decide on your own and an individual should not be judged by what they believe in. I am not judged for what I believe so why should I judge another individual for praising and thanking something that he/ she believes in.

    1. 900891014: Although I personally do not have a problem with this, many people have problems with this topic. Those who favor their ingroup (social group), such as those of another religion or someone who does not believe may not agree with the outgroup (another social group you don't associate with). Because it was an athlete who thanked Jesus, those who are in the same ingroup (Christians) will "tolerate" him doing so

    2. this comment was exactly my point when discussing the "uproar" over the kneeling NFL players. Why is it we can all understand and apply this logic to people's beliefs about God and religion, but we don't apply the same logic and standard to kneeling athletes?

  2. 953147772
    I do not have a problem with him thanking Jesus Christ. He’s using his platform to show his passion about his religion. Should he say that he thanked Allah, that’s just as fine as well, I wouldn’t have an issue at all. I think its awesome athletes give thanks to the deities whether it be Jesus, or Allah, Vishnu, Buddha, past ancestors, whoever they worship. I also think more players should come out about their faiths they practice.

  3. 957666703: I do not believe there is an issue with thanking God or Jesus or even thanking another higher power you believe in. Some people may think thanking another higher power is wrong but it is what the person believes in and there is nothing wrong with that.

    1. Technically, my previous statement is correct, but realistically we will judge those who do not praise the same "God" we do. Internally we will judge although on the outside we say it is okay.

  4. 902861799
    • I think anyone could thank anybody or anything and I would have no problem. We live in America and therefore you can believe in any religion you chose. If you want to thank Jesus or Allah that would be your choice we do have freedom of speech and if somebody is offended by it they don’t have to watch or listen to it.

    1. 902861799 • NEW RESPONSE- I feel that I answered this question accordingly and did a fairly good job I still believe that you can thank whoever you want and believe in any religion you chose

    2. you didn't actually answer the reason why. In-group out-group. Explain it!

  5. 960835143
    I do not have a problem with someone thanking Jesus. If he were to thank someone else, we must respect his beliefs. No, you may not agree with what that person believes in, but you must show that person support. If the athlete would have said that right off the bat I would have disagreed but if that is who he needs to thank so be it. We must try to respect that.

    1. 960835143
      In the Kurt Warner thanking God situation my response before reflects the in group bias. Most people are tolerant of others worshiping other gods or things. Everyone needs to respect each other's beliefs because everyone is entitled to worship whoever or whatever they want.

  6. 922792537: I do not have a problem with athletes thanking God for a win. I would also not have a problem if they thank someone else, like Allah. I believe that everyone has a right to worship whoever they believe in. If an athlete praise Allah for a win, that’s their decision to do so. But if an athlete doesn’t want the public to socially label them, I think thanking any God, like Jesus or Allah, is a bad mistake.

    1. 922792537: The reason I answered the question the way I did is because I am a part of the in-group. Because I am a Christian, I accept and agree with his comment. On the other hand, when you are a part of the out-group, you will automatically disagree with his statement, but you may not consciously say it out loud in fear of retaliation.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. 995320440

    Very simply put, NO. I have no problem with an athlete thanking God or Allah or if they want to thank the damn cookie monster. I am not the most religious person in the world, but i firmly believe that people should be allowed to express themselves freely and without fear of judgement or persecution regardless of religion or creed. I mean, that is what America was founded on. If Kurt wants to use his time on camera to thank the deity that he believes in, than he should absolutely be allowed to do so.

  9. 916105999: Personally, I have no problem with Kurt Warner thanking Jesus Christ and a vast majority of the viewers watching him would also not have a problem with it being that many are probably Christian. However; if he were giving praise to Allah, while I would not have a problem with it others most certainly would. The reason they would is because of their prejudice's and intergroup relationships. If Kurt were Muslim they would socially categorize him based on his religion and categorize themselves based on their religion. They would look at themselves and others who share their beliefs as the "in-group" whereas the muslim religion would be looked at as the "outgroup". They would favor their ingroup and be much more likely to have an issue if Kurt were praising Allah.

  10. 953147772
    I still don’t have an issue with him thanking Jesus, but the reason some people would is the fact that people have the in-group of Christianity. Everyone that disapproves is out-group. People also come from different religious backgrounds so if someone wanted to praise Allah, Warner’s in-group would probably disapprove of that action. I myself would not have a problem because I can see past the in-group v. out-group. People come from different places and aren’t exposed to the same thing that I was, this is of course has nothing to do with their choice, so how could I get angry at them for that?

  11. 953147772
    I still don’t have an issue with him thanking Jesus, but the reason some people would is the fact that people have the in-group of Christianity. Everyone that disapproves is out-group. People also come from different religious backgrounds so if someone wanted to praise Allah, Warner’s in-group would probably disapprove of that action. I myself would not have a problem because I can see past the in-group v. out-group. People come from different places and aren’t exposed to the same thing that I was, this is of course has nothing to do with their choice, so how could I get angry at them for that?


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