Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Which one of these people are lonely?

Explain. And address what you think "lonely" means.


  1. 932126165 Lonely means to be sad without company, both the top and bottom picture display a number of people, while the one in the middle shows a single person. Married or not, I don't see anyone else on that runway so in that moment in time, that girl is lonely.

    1. 932126165 I wasn't exactly right because it's a trick question. We don't know enough about any of these people to make the judgement if they're lonely or not, I've gone through it enough to know and have started to realize that you can be around people and still be lonely. It's quality vs quantity, maybe you want more friends, maybe you just want one friend but one you can tell everything.

  2. Which one of these people are lonely? Explain. And address what you think "lonely" means.


    I think being lonely means not being around any people all together. Someone could be lonely for multiple reasons, they could choose to be alone for a personal reason. A person might be lonely not because they choose to be but because they have a personality that is hard for some to accept. I think loneliness might come in multiple forms as well, for example someone might be very lonely in the real world but on the internet, they are very active with many people and if you ask that type of person if they are lonely they would probably say no. Also vice versa someone might be very active in the real world, but they don’t communicate on the internet and they would probably answer the same thing that they are not lonely. I think for someone to be truly lonely they have no contact with people in the real world as well as the online world.

    1. 934103848
      Essentially you cannot tell if anyone of these people are lonely because a picture is not enough information to tell. A lack of quality of relationships or a lack of a quantity of relationships can lead to a person lo be lonely. A person could be lonely in NYC because of a lack of quality of relationships even though it’s the biggest city in the world. Also, a person might want more relationships than they have and could feel they don’t have enough quantity. A person who considers themselves a “loner” are not different from people who are not lonely, they just cannot identify social emotions as well as other people.

  3. Ejd5436
    What I think lonely means is not having anyone who is there for them when they are in a time of need. I believe the group of people in the last photo are the loneliest because it might seem they have a lot of friends on the outside, but some can feel empty on the inside. People may not have a family that gives them enough attention or helps them out when they get into a pinch. People find a way of filling these voids with hobbies or people they may not particularly like but keep them around as someone to talk to or just have there because they can. It is hard to say who is the lonely and what makes them feel that way from a picture but from my experience it is the people who has a million friends and no siblings, so they call everyone their friends to fill that void of not having siblings.

    1. 947467913
      Here at the end of the semester, I find myself correcting most of my answers but this one I think I answered it in the general ballpark of the correct. There is no possible way you can tell who is lonely from a picture. You can have a high quantity of friends, but may not be the quality of friends you need so the void of loneliness is still there. It works the other way as well you may not have the quality friends that know you on a deeper level as well that can also lead to loneliness. So the answer is the pictures cannot tell us who is lonely and who is not.

  4. 900891014: I believe the girl in the middle picture is the one that is “lonely.” This girl probably posted the picture because she wanted attention. “Lonely” is feeling you get when you feel like you aren’t understood, or you feel like you’re alone in a situation. Often children who have been put up for adoption or are in a foster system often feel lonely because they feel as though they have been abandoned and are not loved or wanted. Other people feel “lonely” after breaking up with the boyfriend/girlfriend or end a friendship, so they try to gain attention.

    1. 900891014: None of these people are considered to be "lonely" because you cannot tell by looking at a person. You can look like you are having the time of your life, surrounded by many friends, and still considered to be lonely. You can have deep close relationships and not have enough and be lonely. You can have a lot of friends but not have the deep close relationships and be lonely. Many men identify themselves with a sports team to not feel as "lonely."

  5. 953147772
    At face value, not one of the people in the photos look lonely. Lonely to me means that I do not enjoy everything I’m doing with the people that I’m surrounded by. For instance, even though the model is the only person in her photo, most runway models have numerous comrades in the back that they mingle with. So, whilst she enjoys her job she is also enjoying their company, making her not lonely. The two other photos clearly show people enjoying what they are doing with the people around them.

  6. 957666703: If you look at the pictures, the lady in the middle picture who is by herself is lonely. Although in reality anyone from any of the pictures could be lonely. When i think of lonely i think of someone not having anyone to turn to or to talk on a daily basis.whether it is friends, maybe parents, or a significant other.

    1. I am correct on what I said before. We can not tell from the pictures who and who isn't lonely

    2. ok but why? What is loneliness? Now that we covered it in class you need to show me you understand.

  7. 998194042 The second photo is the one I would consider to be lonely. I feel that she can be considered lonely because she is a model and models usually just focus on their career and eating habits.I feel that maybe she walks the runway and is a model to receive attention or comments to make her feel good about herself and maybe less lonely. In my opinion, lonely means when you're by yourself and feel that you have no one to talk to or no one there for you. I understand this girl probably has a million followers, but you can be surrounded by the entire world and if it's not the right person, it means nothing.

    1. 998194042 Truth is, you cannot tell if a person is lonely just by looking at them. When a person is lonely, they don't have enough quality or quantity or even both. We usually attach ourselves to something bigger than us to help fight off the lonely feeling. For example, men may attach themselves to a sports team whereas a female may attach herself to the life of a celebrity. You could be super popular (like the model) and still feel lonely. Being lonely is feeling like you have no one around you even when you do.

  8. 902861799
    • I think that the lady in the middle would be considered lonely. Since the other shows what seems to be friends enjoying there time together. Being lonely would include being by yourself not only physically but also mentally. When someone is alone and has no one, they can be around or feel as if they could understand they would be lonely.

    1. 902861799• NEW RESPONSE- previously I answered that I felt the lady may be the lonely individual as she is alone and possibly lacking in the quality aspect of a relationship although I

  9. 922121514 - Of the given pictures the lonely person is the man on the top left man of the pyramid picture. The sports fans feel a connection with each other because they support the same team, they have someone with a common interest. The model my physically be lonely in her picture, but she is simply doing her job. The man that I am referring to seems to be smiling but the smile feels awkward as if he himself feels out of place. Lonely to me means that you do not feel right socially in your environment.

  10. 922792537: Out of the three pictures, the woman in the second picture looks the loneliness. One reason I believe this is because of the way she dresses. We can assume that she's dress that way because she is looking and seeking attention from someone. She is doing this do to the fact of loneliness. Loneliness to me is when you feel like you have no one to look towards for help or affection. You could have all the friends in the world and still feel lonely.

    1. 922792537: Unlike my initial response, we cannot tell from the three pictures who really is lonely. It doesn’t matter the quality or quantity of friend you have, you still can experience loneliness. Sometimes people attach themselves to groups or teams to help avoid the feeling of loneliness.

  11. 982595225
    No one wants to be lonely. To be lonely is when a person has no support from any family or friends. When someone feels like no one cares about them or they don’t have anyone to talk to when they are not feeling well, they may be lonely. Just by looking at the pictures, it does not seem like any of those people are lonely. They all have people who are supporting them, and they seem very happy. We may not always be able to tell if someone is lonely just by looking at them. If they feel like they don’t have anyone to go to when they are having problems or when they need someone they can trust, they may be lonely.

  12. 916105999: Loneliness is the painful feeling of wanting more human contact. No one wants to be a loner. On the contrary, humans naturally desire to form and maintain close, lasting relationships. We have a need to belong, and most people seek 4-6 close relationships. From the 3 images above, it is easy to say the model standing alone on the runway is the loneliest. Right? That is not necessarily true. From what we have talked about through the duration of this course; of the 3 images, the loneliest is probably the sports fans together in the first image. I say this because people try to stave off loneliness by connecting themselves to SPORTS TEAMS, work, universities, celebrities, pets, etc. Those sports fanatics pictured could very well be using that same strategy to fight their loneliness.

  13. 953147772
    You can’t tell if someone is lonely by looking at them. Lonely people don’t lack social skills, have the same IQ, and spend the same amount of time interacting with people. They just don’t use their social skills due to their emotional sensitivity. They probably are rejection sensitive and fear being rejected so they refuse to get close to people there for making them “lonely”.

  14. 985295225
    Loneliness is when a person has no friends or is in need of more human contact. I would say that the top and bottom pictures above do not show anyone in need of someone to talk to. They all look like they are enjoying themselves with other people. The only picture that seems like it may represent loneliness is the picture of the model because she is all by herself. In real life, she may have companions and family that she relies on but simply basing this off of the pictures, she seems to be the loneliest.

    1. nope. you are just guessing. This is an appropriate answer in August but not in December when we covered the correct answers.


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